There’s a common myth among business owners that goes like this…

“If only I could reach more people… then, I’d just need to get a fraction of all potential clients and my business would flourish.”

It’s a marketing fallacy.

Because here’s the thing…

When you are not crystal clear how your clients get results from working with you, getting more exposure isn’t going to help you.

Most people don’t like marketing.

It’s not because they would not create amazing results for their clients.

It’s because talking about the “thing” they do is hard.

It’s because they don’t have a structured, cohesive system that naturally makes people wanting to work with them — but rather some products or services they are trying to sell.

See, before you’re ready for massive exposure building, you need to create a “protocol”, something that can be renowned, something that positions you as the natural authority in your domain.

Because if you’re wanting to help lots of people but you haven’t got your Signature System of helping one… Your marketing is going to be weak. Instead of attracting, you’ll end up convincing people to work with you.

To radically transform your business results, instead of thinking exposure, start thinking of what naturally makes people wanting to work with you.


PS: I’m doing a private VIP Day… we are going to spend a day going deep in creating a Signature System for your business. Would you like to join? Just send me a message, and I’ll get you more details.